Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blueprint For Wood Swing

Garden round the back of the kite

petals chew
want mate, orange blossoms and wax apples
until your breath
only serves
to sweeten the wind

always carries a necklace of seeds
bones, litter
to entangle your hair in the smiles

learns to mourn the green
the willows and just breathe the scent of eucalyptus
fire between your fingers turning

not forget to carry your anxieties
orchids like hugging

your hands and do not be
to Old
without having made love on a mattress
filled with petals asleep

skims a daisy to sigh,
holding a live oak
not fail or let talent
branch to branch your dreams and kisses

eat lilies, roses
in your pocket and take a sunflower
to guide you in the ways

watch your wrinkles, your gray hair, your gestures
and let the death
your body is a garden in the back


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