Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Watch Movies Off Usb On Tv

The Libertarian: In front of the electioneering, build an alternative! Anarqlat

The Libertarian: In front of the electioneering, build an alternative!

is now in our web issue No. 62, March-April 2011
, Venezuelan anarchist spokesperson, with his usual
content of ideas and action to the struggle for
freedom and equality in solidarity. Together with its sections (Editorial, Letters, photo,
Double Think, The Discreet Charm ... Puye and self-managed
news brief, etc..), This time
include the following items:

- Against electoral domestication and pacification. Editorial.
- Members of the Bolivarian government, CITIC Group. Editorial.
- Once again the government affects the workers of the Caracas Metro.
A. War.
- The crisis deepens, the rebellion is delayed. DA Rangel.
- (A) carries the debate on the Universities Act. A. Vergueiro.
- Hugo, the speaker (n) te. Charlotte.
- Extracting oil, spreading misery. L. Vásquez.
- Enabling Law: dictatorship and the energy capital. Editorial.
- Lara: the kingdom of impunity. COVICIL.
- Polarisation: a business. M. Rosso.
- What about the war profiteers in South America? J. Garate.
- War on drugs in Mexico: a fictitious war. Matthias.
- Upheaval in the Middle East. H. Decarli.
- Letter to the (spirit) libertarian. Salva.
- Manual for brief hunger strikes. Editorial.
- Anarchism: responding to criticism (1). B. Morris.
- called poetry is everything that closes the door to the morons. A.
(more ...)
reiterate the invitation to read and spread the Libertarian
in hard copy or digital, as well as blog, where we constantly update the contents
also insist on calling those who want to be part of the distribution of our print
to communicate through to know how to get it.

As a foretaste of cooked and seasoned content of this
edition, here's the Editorial:

Venezuela is a country particular. And not only for its oil wealth,
but also by a sui generis political culture that has characterized the evolution
contemporary Haiti.
In recent years, these two attributes have turned, as it elegantly
, the meaning of the policies, so the
things are not what we thought they were, but its opposite.
When they talk about building the "food sovereignty", for example, translates
import more than 70% of food consumed in the territory
. It is a permanent tribute to the doublethink of George Orwell made

All this comes about by the attitude of the media
-called 'alternative' and 'Community' premises. Anywhere in the world
these television, radio and newspaper offset
information gaps of the mainstream media standing resolutely on the side of the fight
and stories of the downtrodden and oppressed of any sign. In Venezuela
this is not true, at least in the media that the government awards each year
as "examples" of communication-free, alternative and community
. "

A review carefully what kind of news is that diffuse,
may determine a high proportion of press releases to ministries
and other government agencies. Then, a large number of reports
popular struggles, hunger strikes, denunciations and protests ...
occurred in other parts of the planet. The few conflicts that are or featuring
make visible against local authorities
called "opposition" or a type of protest where the outcome is, or pretends to be channeled by the burocracia.Si
demonstration begins
become uncontrollable for the device Bolivarian at all levels, or radical
to question the contradictions of so-called "process" is simply ignored

This type of censorship, which is provided for information policy the
state media, causes that are the private media which, due
their own interests, whatever they may paradoxically amplify
popular protest. Examples exist in droves. Anyone can verify the centimetraje
granted by these means the case
Rubén González. This union, a member of the ruling party PSUV to
today, was arrested in September 2009 for supporting a strike by workers
in Ferrominera company, located in the state
Bolivar. Having been consistent with his role as Secretary General of
union, in times of "Bolivarian Revolution" the unionist is awarded
jail. Club, instead of siding with social
wrestler, amplified during the strike and detention the government criminalizing
version. And during the fifteen months in prison has
informed, timely, of imprisoned union members in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kurdistan
or Nigeria, but no word on Gonzalez.

These media blackmail guarantee issued from above any criticism or
is the direct work of imperialism or arguments given "right." The Venezuelan has tried prescription
repeated in other countries in the region. Sin embargo
the existence of social movements in the popular struggle tanned
has put things in place. In Ecuador the American Eva Golinger
smear campaigns which are permanently headlines
Aporrea-tried to repeat the adjectives
groundless charges against organizations that question to Rafael Correa. The response of the
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) and other social activists
was blunt: "Focus on the top circus,
forget that history is made by people and not the incumbent.
There is never a criticism of the media and "journalists" to these
governments, and never will be. And although it is obvious, do not question that these governments
keep intact the structure of domination and exploitation, but
with the nickname of "progressivism", wrote Erin Rosa and Fernando León.

CONAIE Golinger reporter called and here we could make a long list
-like "state journalism." Biases and interests of private media
and corporate already know.
Therefore we have to focus on qualifying the state journalists,
camouflaged under the label 'alternative' and 'community' as enemies
people's real struggles. The solution is not appealing to the benevolence of Globovisión
or El Nacional, or opt for
strategy of "less bad." The alternative have in order to amplify all
our demands and desires, is the creation of our own network of
media, which operate independently, independent
solidarity and self-management. This task, due to advances in technology
is possible and necessary.
creating critical mass that is one of the objectives of those who,
libertarian thought, we are behind this newspaper.


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