Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cute Sayings For Wedding Cards

The Groove # 24, March 2011 (Special more pages)

Region in Chile, March 2011 Contents

The Groove # 24, March 2011
- Editorial: Why we write.
- Anarqlat. 14 years of the forum (A) Latin America by email.
- The fall of "Pharaoh" Hosni Mubarak and the expansion of the revolt in the Arab world.
- not in sleep: Temuco and hawkers up in arms
- Menalkiawn (Walking in freedom). The deepening of a practice against the prison system
- "Case Pumps." The new form of repression.
- hunger strike on trial for the "Case bombs
- Police Harassment those who are on the street
- Closure to solidarity. Campaigns and committees pro-anarchist prisoners between Creoles.
- From "fetishism workers" and "classism libertarian" clarify two points.
- The house of stigma, poem
- Destruam et aedificum, poem
- ; Science and anarchy, Paul Feyerabend
- accused by the Vatican Karadima
- Against class chauvinism (Part I)
- Reviews: Magno Espinoza. Passion for libertarian communism Sergio Grez and Accidental Death of an Anarchist by Dario For
- Silhouette of agitators: Juan Onofre Chamorro
- Kronstad The insurrection in 1921. Or when the Communist Party revolution drowned.

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Enjoy it, health and anarchy!

The Groove, a monthly newspaper
anarchist Santiago, Chilean region


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