A Tatik by meowing.
Everything about this cat, well, actually, is not even a cat but a kitten, a teenager Catbird and playful. The cats are rare, there was one at home, once ... had a distinctive body of a panther, was not neutered, so the thing with him was always serious. Could only treat times and for a while, a touch here, a slip soft and mellow ajar a few laps around one was as much as you could ask for, nothing going to pose as affectionate with this, if you catch him and charge was serious I say. These scars are lasting memories of his fury, one would get upset if you do not see it coming paw, you had a dam break, then, and the rest is whining of both shadow and darkness with eyes remembering the warnings made by of the house. But this kitten was something else, I could not even scratch the wind, the boat was chasing alone and wandered every step of heels or fly buzzing between the evening. Rather strange thing. Cats know you well, know your tricks, they simply look at you a while to learn how to control yourself. This kitten he knew them all, it was all love, a whole bag of tenderness and rumble and for worse, knew how to win your heart. I tell you: the blessed night you suddenly appeared. Rode his first act, you came as hunting, as he says to - look, I'm in full working day, I'm looking for a mouse imaginary, have you seen? That was because for one to fall off the laughter, three jumps, the leg pulling anything, and then an inquisitive meow overwhelmed race to finish with a tango between his legs cottons. So every night and nothing was going to catch it, because cats do not like, something that did not happen during the day. In the morning could be seen looking for warmth, climbing between the iron bars of the window and the balcony, now well understood that the cat in the windowsill. These cats love to gossip blessed by the windows, remain undaunted full morning, absorbed watching all things that passes in front of the house and going to remove anything because it will make clear, the window is theirs, then comes Later, meowing and meowing, running behind you, get on, pull you, we're your toys, kitty this, but the nicest was when he approached the twilight, when the real pussycat, do not deny it, in the corner as usual, the entrance to the hotel, as if by magic, became porcelain. The truth, everyone knew the porcelain kitty, but I can not believe that they have been doing everything I'm telling you.
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