A Bambucha and Macarena with all my love.
Bambucha watch the sea, his golden beard tanned, dust and the wickedness of days does not show the slightest signs of exhaustion, on the contrary, scalded Happiness shows a proud anarchist who is crowned by the whiskers stroking sharp rising the breeze.
Bambucha did not, was Colombian, is now in El Palomar. Tired, you know that is another, that everything had been buried under a forgetting of memories, his curly hair is sprawling over his head surmounted by a court that is grafted ponkero aesthetically rastafarai a long braid that hangs on his back on ramazones tattoos that seem to come and go like the waves of the ocean that looks enraptured.
Bambucha is sitting on the stones of Palomar, is there in the last of the stones that were put to sea and looking to be part of a small spring or an emerging coral snake with its back, is on a the last stones that are crashed by the waves and looking to be a mischievous little road that goes into the peace, a path of peace-seekers.
Who would believe it, Bambucha now looks like a gypsy is a gypsy and while looking lost, something perhaps lost in your eyes, let the sea in each reflux will soothe your feet with cool touch calmer ocean in the world. Macarena
at his side, has a long gypsy skirt and eyebrows that join in his forehead giving him the power of a visionary. Macarena is brown like the skin of the crabs but has a blue and green dress el de las sardinas o los pavos reales.
Macarena es chilena y hace teatro, no tiene agujeros en las orejas pero si un pircing en la nariz, tiene los dientes blancos y gigantes para la sonrisa y una pancita lisa de cachorro. Macarena también ha olvidado lo que era, ha sido tantas cosas: artesana, traficante, burladora, actriz, caminante. Macarena tiene el mismo peinado de Bambuchas, el mismo corte de libertad y coraje, pero en los costados de su cabeza rapada hay trazos de runas, símbolos de una feminidad misteriosa.
Macarena tiene unos ojos de oráculo, de guerra, de amor. Sus ojos son las perlas negras del mar donde todos los piratas del mundo naufragaron.
Bambucha Macarena and smile at being approved, granting a compassion that goes beyond the love and joy, indulge a silence that speaks of a dream fulfilled, a last. Suddenly, both look back, a gesture of darkness are addressed, overlooking the beach, they know that no one comes, it will not come one, but they fled as if someone always pursued, dropping by between five countries, absconding anything, they have covered the whole continent and have reached the end, look back and waiting for them to arrive but no one comes and yet can not but doubt, a hunch they press their wandering.
Now Bambucha the claim, looks and she understands that he knows the woman warrior and the truest and most honorable. Macarena observe and understand the piece of rock about five hundred meters in front of their eyes, emerge from the sea as the head of a turtle that looks out to see the specification of their fate and forgiveness. Macarena while giving thanks to God for the quiet night is living think that everything has been good and that his side is more quiet and loyal man who may have had.
Five countries, deserts, deserts, snow, armed robbery, prison, hunger, sleeplessness, fear, hopelessness, crying, pain. Now remember everything like just what had been a dream, something remains of the last station, the metal hits the dump truck caused by coal are the latest bruising that gradually fade from the skin, back in the bed of the truck, embraced as two orphans, endured the horror that can only resist traveling in the back of a truck that is empty, with interest and without regard to the coal mines in the desert. Each bump on the track seemed to get them at any moment their lives could shoot out on the asphalt. A hellish journey they suffered all their flesh.
Bambucha look at the bruising on the shoulders Macarena, she responds with some "no matter, we're fine, we have, which is what counted," and then smiles Bambucha squinting as never before had.
Bambucha looks back toward the beach, watch the crumbling and dilapidated buildings of the historic coastal city where foreigners are fed up with drugs and prostitutes and knows that there is nothing for them. The city is determined to ruin the pleasure of foreigners fleeing the winter and long days of industrialized cities. Macarena see the beach full of natives who sell and resell their soul to the devil looking for dollars and euros from tourists, the city is a carnival roistering natural people walk the streets at odd jobs in some foreign penny. All is lost in these cities island, a tropical desolation where there is no moral.
Bambucha, it is decided, takes her hand to Macarena and determined decision: let's do it!, Macarena nods and hugs the body Bambucha.
Bambucha Macarena and evening look, look, there are a last kiss and thrown into the sea.
Slowly disappear without a trace.
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